Unitil Corporation premiered a film produced by JBC Communications – in the style of “Dirty Jobs” – promoting Unitil’s challenge to remove a vital gas main from the Little Bay Bridge as part of the NH DOT’s ongoing effort to improve and widen the Spaulding Turnpike. Rather than pursue simpler options that may have disturbed sensitive shellfish beds at the bottom of the Pistcataqua river, Unitil decided to use a horizontal directional drill and drill under the bed of the river, a full 2,500 linear feet and run the pipe under the river from the Newington side to the Dover Point side. View film on our vimeo channel.
JBC produced a film chronicling the engineering challenges and teamwork between Unitil, NH DOT and the chosen contractor Carson and to Roberts over the course of the 6 month project. We also capture the gritty work required to do the job in sometimes sub zero temperatures and through legendary NH granite rock. Through interviews and compelling footage captured day and night, the viewer is there as important milestones of the project are completed. The film is being used to educate customers and local leaders about Unitil’s commitment to providing more customers with a lower cost option to more traditional heating fuels. Unitil commented “Documenting a highly technical project like the horizontal directional drill at Little Bay Bridge was no easy task to ask of any vendor. JBC was a true partner during this project delivering creative direction, field personnel coordination and off-hours responsiveness due to the shifting timelines and weather. We were thrilled with the final product.” Those are words we love to hear.